We are creating the Foundation for Supranational Democracy!

Join the Foundation for Supranational Democracy!

The Foundation will be a meeting place among academicians, civil society, social corporate world, interested citizens. A platform for education, research, and advocacy



SDD migrations panel

The Foundation’s goals are:

– Raising awareness among the citizens about the importance of the global dimension and offering them tools for participation;
– Fostering interdisciplinary and intercultural research to make real progress in the field of democratic global governance;
– Impacting the political debate and promoting reforms in international organizations in order to promote participation and reforms to increase their legitimacy and accountability.

With a yearly contribution of 100 euros (50 for students), you will have free access to the events and an invitation to join the annual assembly and elect your representative in the board. You will be posted on what’s going on in the international fora and how citizens can get involved and participate.

If you are interested please send an email to info@supranationaldemocracy.net.


Feel free to join the Facebook Group, the Linkedin Group or to subscribe to the YouTube Channel!